truck driving

The giving in to the compelling spirit of God and satisfying our own yearning, can and will place us at a crossroad. The path we take can heal us, but sometimes comes at a high earthly cost.

Exhausted Majority

The Exhausted Majority: A New American Phenomenon

A year-long study by the organization called More in Common, concluded that as many as three quarters of Americans are exhausted from the tribe-like actions of our political leaders, and national press. They are exhausted from learning the ever-changing landscape of political correctness.

More in Common termed this large group of our population as the “Exhausted Majority.” 

This group is tired of the tribalism shown by our politicians. Politicians who must go along to get along. Forced to listen to the fringe and nervous leadership, they succumb to the pressure by voting along party lines. Creating a scenario where our representatives no longer work for the people as patriots, but as slaves to a few.

Bombast has become the key to riches.

We see this in the wide and diverse group of Democrats running for President in 2020. Are they really running patriotically or to garner fame, even if it is notorious? Fame that leads to mega book deals and lucrative speaking engagements.

As an author, I am well aware of the value of notoriety. When I first started writing, a senior publishing executive told me, “In this day and age, being a quality writer isn’t enough to get your books sold. You have to be famous or bombastic if you want to be an author.” As many of my fellow authors do, I chose the path of producing the best literature I can, as opposed to bombast. My critically well received book, Jesus & Co., which has 5 stars on Amazon, would sell better if I had used bombast. But like most authors, I choose to inform versus fame.

The same is true with speaker engagements. It seems our political leaders have heard the same thing. Joe Biden, for instance has made $15 million in the two years since he left the White House.

Bombast sells and the national network knows this. CNN and Fox will interpret any Trump action very differently. As well as, ensure that Trump news is first on the list. Left behind is the real facts and forcing this group, called the Exhausted Majority to tune both out.

While Fox and CNN claim large audiences, they represent only 2% of Americans. But that 2% is a large voice, even though it doesn’t reflect the real values of the majority. People want to hear news that isn’t biased and just the facts.

The long bastion of news accuracy, The New York Times claims it prints, “All The News That Is Fit to Print.” However, this is no longer true. It too has succumbed to printing only what it thinks its readers what to hear.

Who has control?

The number of media companies that control our news is very small. In 1983, 90% of US media was controlled by fifty companies. Today, 90% of the national media is far more concentrated at only 6, according to Business Insider. Leaving those who produce the news few options other than pleasing the views of their owners.

In my book, Your Faith Has Made You Well, a highly emphasized point is the value of the truth in our faith lives. Jesus himself declared, “I am the light of the world and the truth shall set you free.” As Christians the truth is an important part of our religion. It is also an important part of any nations discourse, especially in America.

It would be a brave choice to produce unbiased journalism, the risk is to lose the few zealots that are actually watching.

Our religious speak, as well is governed by political correctness. It is no longer polite to say Merry Christmas in some quarters. And certainly many large corporations refrain from Christian association for fear of the backlash. Being open about being Christian risks offending. Despite the fact that 70% of Americans are professed Christians.

However, companies like Chick-Fil-A, Tysons Foods and Forever 21 are open about their belief and produce superior operating results. They are not afraid of publicly stating they are Christian and their results prove them right. People trust Christians, regardless of the discourse we hear from a few. But fear of reprisal from the keepers of political correctness keep most away from declaring their Christian values.

The Exhausted Majority are just that, exhausted.

They are tired of talking heads claiming what Americans want, but ignore the voices of reason. They are tired of those who look for any weakness in a person to defame, while ignoring the good. This group wants to be heard, but won’t speak up for fear of reprisal. They calmly retreat to the security of friends to express their points of view.

Our social media funnels information to people through sophisticated algorithms to ensure we hear what we like to hear, and not what is needed to be heard. Further collapsing a national dialogue of all the facts.

Many that I talk to about the Exhausted Majority, immediately identify.

They will tell me they also, have many friends who feel the same. They don’t want to be told what to say or have to watch obviously biased news. They have tuned out the voices of bias and turned to friends for news.

While rancor and discord have always been part of the American landscape, the size of the Exhausted Majority is unusually large. Created by facts that are only half the story and propelled by a small group from the fringe. And an even smaller group in the media.

Americans want the truth and want fairness. This has always been our way, it is what makes our country remarkably unique.

Blessings, until next time,
Bruce L. Hartman

end of watch

American Greatness – The End of Watch Call

Jesus said, “Blessed are those pure of heart, for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8).

Our country is filled with unheralded heroes. Those that don’t seek self-promotion or use bombast to be recognized. Their hearts are only pointed to serving others. They work for our good and for God, not seeking fame, but to serve.

Many of our firefighters fit this model.

They mostly serve as volunteers in local fire departments. They don’t get paid to serve, they just show up. They are the men and women who rush into burning buildings to bring people to safety. Their joy is in saving and not gaining.

When they pass into our Lord’s hands, they are given an “End of Watch” call—broadcast over the airwaves to announce that their service and time is complete. The fire volunteers upon hearing this call offer them a moment of silence. It is a moving gesture of recognition.

Louis “Lou” Aroneo was on one of those men. He died this July and received his “End of Watch” call from the Stirling, New Jersey Fire Department. But Lou is more than just an individual who received a last call. He represented what makes America a special place. In his life, he represented a way to live life. A way our forefathers taught us. A way that included honor, respect, duty, and service. Lou didn’t curse the darkness but instead chose to light candles.

Lou had no special privileges in life.

He wasn’t a star athlete or a famed entertainer or even a noted politician. He was part of the tapestry of men and women known as first responders. Lou didn’t go to Harvard or Yale; he went to a local college and became an engineer.

While some will seek fame through rancor, Lou sought kindness. While some sought self-promotion, Lou sought to serve. Some seek to tear down, Lou sought to build up.

He had a wife and raised his children in a small town in New Jersey. He passed on to our Lord with a very ordinary resume. A simple life on paper, but rich life in the hearts of the people he helped and served.

Even though he received a medal of honor for rushing into a burning building to rescue a wheelchair-bound individual, there will be no movie made about his exploits. Even though he raised his children to honor and respect others, no book will be written about his excellence. Lou lived his life the right way. A uniquely American way.

I take it upon myself to declare Lou a hero.

Because he lived the way we all should live, with quiet faith and desire to do good. Lou’s life compass was pointed to doing what was right and without compromise. Noting that perhaps we as Americans we should strive harder to recognize these people as the heroes. We should read about them more or see them on television. Perhaps knowing more about these heroes will soften the drums of discord.

Lou would be the first to point out he wasn’t special, he knew many others who lived the same life. And he would have been right, many others do. Our country needs these standard-bearers of commitment and service. They are the ones who are there in times of disaster. Lou and his fire company stood on the shores of New Jersey during 9/11 to help. They stood in line waiting to help those devastated by Superstorm Sandy. They are the ones carrying children late at night from a house fire. They are the ones who are first on the scene of a terrible car wreck. They are the first eyes you see when you need to be rescued. They work, while we sleep. They are American first responders. They serve because they are supposed to serve.

I only wish that I knew Lou before I completed my latest book, Your Faith Has Made You Well. He would have been a terrific character to stand beside the dozens of other ordinary heroes, who are portrayed. As Christians, we can never have enough heroes of faith. Lou stood tall among them.

As a country, we need heroes like Lou.

These are the people who don’t use social media to bring them fame through bombast. They don’t like to jockey for position to get what they want. These heroes seek only to help.

Every day we see these unnoticed heroes in our midst. They walk in supermarkets, hotel lobbies, or along crowded streets. They have blended in to live their lives without notice.

Look hard though and you will see them walking among us. They hold doors for others. They stop and pick up litter. They speak kindly to others. They have faces that show their integrity. They help parents overloaded with groceries. They are with us every day.

Lou passed on to our Lord on July 3. He had a funeral procession that included nine ladder trucks decorated with American flags and a long waiting line of people giving their last respects. Lou didn’t pass on with millions in the bank or with lasting notoriety. He passed with a more blessed legacy, a peaceful assurance that he would reside with his Lord from living an honorable life. While maybe not recognized fully by the world, it certainly was recognized where he is today, with his Lord for eternity. America needs more heroes like Lou.

Lou did get his last call.

A time-honored tradition for firefighters. He was the Chief of Stirling’s fire department and was sent off to be with God, having served humankind with honor. Many other first responders will go after him and they as well will receive the last call. Their special moment when the dispatcher says: “End of watch call! You have completed your mission here and been a good friend to all. Now it is time to rest. Thank you for your service.”

Blessings, until next time,
Bruce L. Hartman

Photo Credit: iStock/Getty Images

This article was originally posted on American Greatness

mister rogers

Mr. Rogers and His Neighborhood Could Help Change America’s Discourse of Anger

Fred Rogers, or more commonly known as Mister Rogers, died in 2003 of stomach cancer. In his lifetime he produced almost nine hundred TV shows for children. He wrote over one hundred original songs for the show and created thirteen operas. Each morning, from 1968 to 2001, children throughout our country were invited into Mr. Rogers neighborhood.

In 1997 Fred Rogers received a Lifetime achievement Emmy. During his speech he mesmerized the crowd of famous actors and actresses with his speech and brought many to tears. He created one very special moment when he asked them all to take ten seconds to recall all the people who had made them famous. He said, “I will watch the time.” And did so, as all in the audience thought back on all those who had helped them. Fred turned his moment of glory into other people’s moments of glory with this simple gesture.

He ended his speech by saying, “Thank you for allowing me all these years to be your neighbor, God be with you.”

Fred was forty before he became Mr. Rogers in 1968. Prior to this Fred had worked at NBC studios in NYC as a manager. Where he learned his craft of production and show management. Later he moved to WQED, a PBS affiliate in Pittsburgh. Over a few years he slowly developed the concepts that would come to be known as Mr. Rogers Neighborhood.

He had graduated from Rollins College in Florida as a music major, which became an important part of the show production. In the early sixties he went to Bible college and graduated as an ordained minister.

Fred’s faith was always evident in his actions. His humble way of speaking with his head cocked subtly to the right endeared many to love him. While Fred was mild mannered and gracious in his speech, his show addressed difficult societal issues. Early on in Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, he addressed civil rights. Sitting by a wading pool he invited an African American Policeman to put his feet in the pool with him.

They talked about life as equals.

At the end as they were leaving the pool, Fred Rogers dried his companion’s feet. On the issue of divorce, a serious issue for the children who watched the show. He used his puppets to explain divorce and ensure that the children who were watching and affected by divorce learned that it wasn’t their fault.

On the difficult issues of life, Fred stood up and addressed them. Not with bombast or highly charged language of blaming. But with a mild manner that explored issues from all sides and allowed the viewer to grow threw the truth.

Mr. Rogers for President

Perhaps Mr. Rogers should have been a presidential candidate. He had all the right qualities. He listened to learn. He talked softly, but firmly. His first concern was always to encourage and make people better. There was no self interest in Fred.

Today, we see many of our leaders divided on the lines of identity. Some are Republicans and some are Democrats. Some are conservatives and some are liberals.

These are secondary classifications to that of being Americans. Yet our leaders use their secondary identities to dictate their speech, not patriotism. We have become a country mired in partisan identities. Fred would have showed them how to play well in the sandbox. Perhaps a trait we so dearly need today.

The great divide

Our country today is mired in angry discourse, in a recent Pew Research poll, it shows 67% of Americans are tired of the one-sided positions of our leaders. They are an “Exhausted Majority.” Fed up with the arguing and rancor.

As a country where 90% of its populace believe in God and over 70% are professed Christians. Many of our citizens are afraid of stating their religious views, fearing they will offend someone. Saying “Merry Christmas” invites rebuke. Yet Fred Rogers would say Merry Christmas and in many of his speeches he mentioned his faith and wasn’t afraid to say, “May God be with you.”

In my book, Your Faith Has Made You Well, it spells out the value of loving your neighbor and the impact on an individual’s outlook. And neighbors were important to Fred, on his show constantly asked, “Won’t you be my neighbor.” A phrase right out of the Bible. It was Jesus’ second commandment. Fred didn’t pick and choose his neighbor, all were his neighbor.

He was bullied

Sure people made fun of Fred, he was used to it. As a child he was bullied and set apart. Forcing him to spend many hours alone. He retreated into a world of puppets, that would later become the hallmark of his show. His puppets didn’t produce rancor, but kind conversations.

In those dark nights of his life as a child, he created a world that he felt we should all live in. A world that sought understanding and led with kindness.

He never backed down from his gentle wholesomeness. Yet he powerfully educated a generation or two of children.

If I could, I would have voted for Fred to lead our nation. He wasn’t weak, even though he was mild. He was firm in his beliefs, when others mocked. He stayed on his course and saw every moment as a chance to uplift and encourage.

He was loved because he loved.

Dr. Bruce L Hartman, Christian Author and Story Teller. A former Fortune 500 CFO who left the corporate world to engage in a ministry of “Connecting The Lessons of the Gospels to the Modern Life.” His life mission is “Helping People Walk into a Brighter Future.” He is the author of Jesus & Co. and Your Faith Has Made You Well.

Blessings, until next time,
Bruce L. Hartman

Article originally posted in Reactionary Times

One Final Walk On the Appalachian Trail (For Now)

“Be careful how you live, live like those who are wise. Make the most of every opportunity and understand what the Lord wants you to do.”

Ephesians [5:15]-17


Final Walk

On a clear and humidity free summer day, I made the final walk of our journey on the Appalachian Trail, in a remote part of Maine. Along with me was my mother and sister-in-law, Penny. The ending was perfect; the weather, the trail, great companions and no bugs! These were the final steps on a journey that began in March.

We decided to stop the hike in New York, and go to Maine. Beset with sore knees that no longer recovered in a day or two and having endured a fourth illness, it was time to stop and rest. We went to Maine to be with my mother on her birthday and visit family. After which we will travel to Ohio to visit Connie’s parents and sisters. Then a final trip to visit our daughter, Savannah, in Seattle.

The rocks proved too much for us

The constant grind of stepping carefully over the many obstacles injured our knees. We had also noticed a different demographic over the last month. Young and fit hikers were all we saw. Sure there were a few people over forty, but those left from a journey that started many miles earlier, had much younger legs. They glided swiftly by us, on an appointed mission. While we were tired and worn down.

Family became a draw for us, as well as a publisher who wanted to become very involved in my new book release on September 3rd. So we packed up our memories and moved forward.

For the last hike, I chose to go to a place of my first walk on the Appalachian Trail forty one years ago. The remote wilderness of the Bigelow Range. Forty one years ago, with my good friend, Steve, I entered this wilderness and created a life-long love for the trail. On a three day hike with much heavier equipment than exists today, we walked the entire length of this difficult section, which followed many other journeys. Life of raising children and pursuing a career filled in this forty year gap.

But this day, was for sharing.

Mom and Penny

Bringing Penny and my mom to see the wonderful life that exists, away from the bustle of modern life. A day to show them how to use hiking poles and what to observe when you walk. We went up a few moderate climbs and they learned the technique of climbing and that descending was much harder. I was especially proud of their zeal and willingness to try.

They did well.

My mom, at eighty six, stepped carefully and skillfully down the declines and after a few steps looked like a seasoned hiker. Penny embraced the woods and gleefully looked at the trees.

We had lunch sitting on the rocks on the shore of Flagstaff lake. A simple lunch that I packed in the morning, consisting of peanut butter, triscuits, raisins and a cookie. Just like what Connie and I had every day. We sat observing the peacefulness of a blue lake without the roars of motorboats and few sounds of civilization.

On the way home, we had no cell service and the car navigation system broke. Leaving us to find our way home, the old fashion way. By remembering landmarks we had seen on the way up and an atlas that Penny used. My mom did most of the remembering and helped keep us on course. Revealing a keen mind for the little things we often miss when we use modern navigation. Teamwork at its best.

I am sad we didn’t finish we what started out to do, and know some will say we failed. But I don’t feel like we failed. We hiked hundreds of miles and climbed countless peaks. On some days we marched over twenty miles. We strengthened our endurance through the many days of hiking six to eight hours.

We stepped close to three million times on this journey. Climbed close to a quarter of a million feet or the equivalent of Mount Everest 10 times.

We were in the arena that Teddy Roosevelt talked about many years earlier. We were not victors, we can only claim that we participated. But life isn’t about the critics who sit watching those in the arena, it is about those who try. These words by Teddy Roosevelt resonate today.

Remembering Our First Day

I remembered our first day, which opened our eyes to what this trek required. How hard the day was and the encouraging people that propelled us forward. Or the third day, when we were pelted with ice. Or the day in Virginia when we climbed five thousand feet. The day we went to “Fat Man Squeeze” and I actually got through. Or on one of our final days, climbing up a steep rock formation. We changed from the first day to today, and I suppose that is the purpose of this trek.

We learned the subtleties of nature.

I personally, began to lose my fear of exposed heights. We learned that those who shared the wilderness with us, are an optimistic and pleasantly polite people.

We also learned that a good life can be led simply. Away from the distractions and lures of modern life. We learned life doesn’t have to be a life surrounded by things, but a life of purpose. Not looking for things to do, but a guided life to do good and help others.

I will miss the morning routine of getting ready to hike. I will miss climbing up steep hills, lunch by streams, the surprising encounters with wildlife and the fatigued feeling at the end of the day.

We learned about the importance of water and how to get water many miles from a faucet. We learned about staying fueled, not with a lot of food, but just the right amount.

We met amazing people with wonderful names, like Single Track, the Caribbean Queen, Camel, Coldfoot, Pippi Rambo, The Rev, Journeyman and so many others. Each visit involved smiles.

My last hike was one hundred and sixty miles from our goal, Mount Katahdin. But now it is time to return and move forward with our lives. As Connie once asked, “Who knew we would love the mountains and lakes?” We will return to a life that involves continuing to hike and mountain bike. But also a life to help our children, help others, write and visit family.

Perhaps I will return again next spring to the trail I love.

Blessings, until next time,
Bruce L. Hartman

time passes

“I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate.”

(Romans [7:15])


I met John at a book signing for my book Jesus & Co. He is the pastor of a small church in rural North Carolina. He would drift over to the table and look at my book and then wander away. After a few of these short visits, I sensed he wanted to say more, so I asked a few questions to draw his story out.

He told me about his current life as a pastor and believer. But he also revealed a deeper story. With his homespun drawl, John talked about the many nights when he had wrestled with God. He described it as a mighty fight. He had been prone to staying out late and drinking, and this affected his work and his family. But he persisted in following this river in his life, despite its damaging effect. He knew it was wrong, but he didn’t feel he could change. He would try, only to slip back into what he perceived to be a place of comfort.

Then that moment came when he was stripped bare. He had lost his job and become completely alienated from his family. He had reached his tipping point, and his path had left him broken and alone. His comfortable habit of going out with the boys for long hours, which had affirmed his existence for years, had now left him no place but desolation.

Over the previous few months, he had been getting hints to change. Silently he had begun to question on occasion if he was on the right path. His discourse with God had begun, but there was still too much to let go of in his current life. He liked the familiar path, so he wrestled with God and resisted. Then the day came when it all came crashing in and he was in a spot where he was so low could only go up.

“Faith is the consistent choosing of the narrow gate. Many times, following the narrow gate presents itself as a short-term loss, and its benefit is only revealed through a long-term lens.”

At first, John began to read the Bible, and through this reading to set his course to a different path. Over time this extended to his seeking to get an education and to become a pastor. Both of which he accomplished.

I met him in a bookstore, with a devoted wife and a life he was proud of and wanted to share. I saw, within both him and his wife, a faithful love for God. By wrestling with God and losing, John had been healed.

He had been blind but now he saw, and what he saw was a future that only contained a life filled with Grace.  He had been trapped, not because he was bad, but because he was following a path built on bad habits. A path that was familiar, even though it was destructive. He had given into his natural human tendencies to pursue this life in which he found satisfaction, even though it was only momentary. John wanted to do good, as most do, but he believed he wouldn’t find comfort anywhere else. The apostle Paul in the Book of Romans says, “I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate.” (Romans [7:15]) Even the great apostle Paul struggled with this path and his own natural desires.

So, it is always with our faith. It is a struggle to avoid doing what we shouldn’t do, to turn away from the wrong path and toward the right path. For some this may be easy, but for most it is a hard lesson to learn, that many times the wrong path we choose only reveals itself at the end.

Blessings, until next time,
Bruce L. Hartman


“For we walk by faith, not by sight.”

– 2 Corinthians 5:7


Our faith is something that must be nurtured and sought after. The world reaches out to us and pulls away through life’s temptations, setbacks, and imagined responsibilities. At times the world will convince us that God isn’t with us, that he’s just some imaginary human construct. We will begin to blame others for our problems and to seek easier paths. But it is at exactly this spot that we should turn from our human instincts and dig deeper into our faith.

The recognition of the sovereign nature of God ebbs when we pay too much attention to the ways of the world and give in to despair. Faith must be practiced and nurtured despite our present condition, not because of it. There are few roads that are easy with faith. Jesus explains this, with a call to stay steady with our faith, when he says, “For the gate is narrow and the road is hard that leads to life and there are few who find it.” (Matthew [7:14])

In life, it’s the little things that make a difference. Our faith lives are similar. For instance, many of us in business do what we think we should do or are asked to do, and then for some reason it doesn’t work out as well as we hoped. Inevitably it takes longer and there are a few more things to do than we’d expected. It is in this spot where we must decide between quality and quantity.  Do we finish our task because time is telling us to move on, or do we dig deeper to resolve those nagging feelings? This spot reminds me of a quote I used many times in my career, “The enemy of art is time.” Likewise, our faith life can become the victim of the suffocating drumbeat of time. It is here that we must decide if we are to move on or stop worrying so much about obstacles like time. Great art and our faith both require quality not quantity. How often do we say “I can’t do any more” or “I don’t have the time to nurture my faith” and move on? It is this internal decision that separates great faith from faith that is just an afterthought.

Our faith is in investment of ourselves in combination with God. God is not a genie that solves our problems alone. Our God is a loving God whom desires a relationship with us. Like any relationship it requires mutual acts of support. There are times when we need more from God than we can give, and God responds. Other times God only needs to stand by and watch us succeed. This continuum of faith varies from moment to moment.

Blessings, until next time,
Bruce L. Hartman


Leave No Trace, The Seven Rules of Life on the Appalachian Trail

While walking the trail in New York with our daughter, Taylor, I realized that one of the important lessons about walking this trail, was to Leave No Trace.” There are no trash cans on the trail, maybe some at a trailhead. But as hikers we are asked to carry out our own trash. As part of the literature produced by the Appalachian Trail Conservancy, it highlights these rules. There are seven rules.

The first is Plan Ahead and Prepare.

This means to know where you are going and prepare for extreme weather. Simply, let others on the outside know where you will be and to know the weather and terrain. This rule is designed to avoid the impact of being rescued. While in the Smokies we witnessed this first hand. A major storm was brewing and winds of over sixty miles an hour would occur, along with severe cold and snow. It was a surprise storm and thankfully we were prepared and able to flee from the storm. Others weren’t as lucky and some had to be rescued.

The second is Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces.

Essentially stay on the marked travel or camp in existing/designated spots. By doing this the existing fauna and vegetation is undisturbed. It meant many times we had to walk in small groups and single file. For the most part of all the existing campsites were well marked. This was a rule we seldom saw broken and showed the respect for nature by the hikers.

The third rule is Dispose of Waste Properly.

Simply, pack it in and pack it out. But it also meant that when you had to go to the bathroom outdoors away from designated areas, clean up when you are done. Put human waste in a six inch hole that you dig with a trowel. As well as, be at least two hundred feet from water.

 I usually carried a plastic bag and would put my paper waste in a bag, along with litter I found on the trail. Disposing of the bag when I found an appropriate receptacle. Interestingly, away from the roads or trailheads there was little litter, speaking to the respect other hikers had for the trail.

The fourth rule is Minimize Campfire Impacts.

Hikers love campfires, but they can be dangerous. Generally there was a campfire ring at most of the campsites, and that is the place to have a campfire. But also to keep it small and only include sticks that can be broken by hand. As well as, ensure the fire is out before you leave and diffuse the cooled ashes. It also means not bringing wood from home, as this might introduced pests or other diseases that could affect the environment.

The fifth rule is Leave What You Find.

In other words, examine but don’t take, including rocks! It also means to not build structures or dig trenches. If you have been away from the trail for a while, to clean your boot soles. Simply, leave the environment the way you found it.

The sixth rule is Respect Wildlife.

This includes not feeding wildlife or leaving food when you leave. Habituating animals to food is dangerous for them and fellow hikers. Bears in particular become easily attached to food and will become more aggressive. Sometimes it means waiting a few moments for a snake to leave the trail or a deer to stop feeding. We actually had to wait ten minutes once for a deer to clear the trail before we passed. Never approach any wildlife and always observe from afar.

The seventh rule is Be Considerate of Others.

Simple things, like on a single lane trail allow the uphill hiker to pass. If on a flat stretch be the person who stands aside. Keep pets under control and especially with dogs, have them on a leash. The hikers we met with dogs were especially courteous. We only had one encounter with a dog that made us leave the area. A trail friend named her “Lady Barksalot.” In camp she would bark constantly and was hard on her owners. She was under two and it was her first experience on the trail. The owner acknowledged she needed more training.

For the most part these rules were well followed.

However, there was one event which showed why these rules were important. As we were walking we met a man who informed us there was a bear on the trail who wouldn’t leave. While he was excited that he got a video of the bear, a rare feat, he was nervous and asked if we would walk with him by the bear. My instincts told me to say no, and instead we stopped for lunch. We went to a nearby shelter and it was there we discovered why the bear was stubbornly hanging around.

A group was using the shelter as a campsite for day hikes and left their food hanging from trees. While they were away the bear smelled the food and came to investigate. Bears have a keen sense of smell and can pick up a scent from miles away. If the group had taken their food with them, the bear would not have visited the area. Bears are naturally shy and will avoid human contact. So even if you are carrying food they will avoid any interaction. But food left alone, is an invitation!

Leaving food for a bear to find is both dangerous to the bear and other hikers. As the bear gets used to the food they become more aggressive. They become a threat to themselves and others.

When we arrived at Harpers Ferry, before we could get our hikers badge at the Appalachian Trail Conservancy center, we had to pass a test on Leave no Trace. Luckily we passed with a little help from the examiner.

I would say from my experience these last few months, those who walk in the wilderness, respect the wilderness. A powerful statement about their sense of responsibility to keeping nature uncluttered.

Blessings, until next time,
Bruce L. Hartman


The LORD is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid?

(Psalm 27:1)


I met Bill, a highly regarded neuro surgeon, while golfing with a good friend. My friend had invited Bill to golf with us on a very hot and humid day. We were going to walk the course that day, regardless of the searing heat from a sun that was piercingly hot. We felt we could and it would help with our conditioning. Bill agreed with us and we set off with plenty of water.

While this might seem like an unusual activity for three people,  it was more remarkable because Bill had recently had spine surgery and a knee replaced. Yet Bill did walk the entire course, which required six miles of walking. Bill was hobbled by the effect of his surgeries and each step required thought. Bill didn’t have the normal gait you would expect to see in any person who walked, his gait was labored and awkward.

Throughout the round Bill maintained an upbeat demeanor and hit the ball well. He was slow and the effort of walking with him meant slower steps. Requiring personal patience and letting go of the desire to rush towards your golf ball. We played slow that day, but not too far off a normal time, about twenty minutes. I was amazed that the group behind us didn’t complain or ask to play through. Everyone knew Bill at the course and his story of recovery.

It was for me an honor to be part of this heroic effort. While some might say it was fool hardy, Bill knew that walking would help him recover and he stated so. He knew it would strengthen him and he was willing to pay the price. His doctors had told him it was okay and this was his first round of golf in eight months.

Bill’s backstory as a Neurosurgeon is even more remarkable. He had saved and changed many lives. When others were told there was no hope, he gave them hope. He calmed the spirits of two anxious parents whose child had been diagnosed with potentially having Spinal Bifida. Examining the child on the weekend, his day off, and concluding the diagnosis was in error and the child was perfectly healthy. Saving the parents from a long weekend of despair. This is how Bill lives.

When others were diagnosed with inoperable ailments, Bill took on these cases and saved them. Over a thirty-year career, he operated on the most difficult, spending hours leaning over the surgeons table. He will tell you that it wasn’t the time in the operating room that hurt his back, but the marathons he had run. In fact, he ran the New York Marathon three times.

It was walking slowly with him for four hours that I heard his story. Instead of rushing through the round, I got to walk with a real life hero. By the sixteenth hole, I no longer winced when he walked, but admired.

In the clubhouse after the round, everyone who saw Bill, said, “Hi Doc.” Not just a casual remark, but one expressed with respect to a man who engendered respect. He wasn’t flashy, but in every sentence he spoke, intelligence and warmth emanated. You could tell from his eyes he listened and thought. You were his main interest when he spoke to you.

Bill lives without fear, he does what he should and has to do. He would never complain, complaining would get in his way. He has met every obstacle in life with a serious commitment to excellence. Starting from being a star medical student at the University of Alabama to creating one of the most successful medical practices in the northeast.

My lesson that day was to live without fear or complaint. And I should, God has been very patient with me throughout my life. I saw this lesson in Bill. We all have to do what we need to do. It is our choice, to live without complaint and fear; or give in.

Ailments and fear are part of everyday. They are the thorns of life. They challenge us and seek to defeat us. They try to delay us from our course in life, and only we can choose if they will prevent us from living a full and rich life.

We have a God, a loving God. A God that walks with us through the valleys and mountain tops of life. In the moments of glory we are thankful and praise God. In the valleys, we can lean into God. For God will be there to give us courage.

Blessings, until next time,
Bruce L. Hartman

(Author’s note; Bill is a pseudo name to protect his privacy)

Photo by Ludwig Schreier

“I am the way, and the truth and the life.”

– John 14:6


C.S. Lewis, the great English writer of the twentieth century, had spent his late teens and early twenties angry at God. He stated, “I was angry with God for not existing.” An atheist for an extended period of time, he continually wrestled with God. He found the church boring and religion a chore. His belief was that if God existed, he would not have designed a world “so frail and faulty as we see.”

Lewis was a member of the Oxford University community, surrounded by people like Yeats and Tolkien. He was part of the intellectual elite of England during the early part of the 20th century. He couldn’t buy into the winds of God. His wrestling with God eventually ended because God became the only answer to a life-long yearning.

He wrote his own conversion story, where it states: “You must picture me alone in Magdelen [College, Oxford], night after night, feeling, whenever my mind lifted even for a second from my work, the steady, unrelenting approach of Him who I so earnestly desired not to meet. That which I greatly feared had at last come upon me. In the Trinity Term of 1929 I gave in, and admitted God was God, and knelt and prayed; perhaps that night, the most dejected and reluctant convert in all England.” The searching had ended. Encouraged by his friends, like Tolkien, he was changed and reborn.

“Many nights during World War Two, C.S Lewis spoke to the people of London on the radio to soothe their hearts, while bombs rained down.”

C.S. Lewis went on to become strong a Christian. Lewis wrote Mere Christianity and was instrumental in helping the English people’s morale during the bombing of London in World War II. Many nights during World War Two, C.S Lewis spoke to the people of London on the radio to soothe their hearts, while bombs rained down. Nicodemus, another reluctant follower from the first century came out of the closet and acknowledged Jesus publicly. He was at the Crucifixion and worked with Joseph of Arimathea to provide the burial tomb and spices.

“God pursues us. We fall and fail, but God’s chase is never ending.”

Life gets in the way of God, as it did with Lewis.  God pursues us. We fall and don’t accept the winds of God, but God’s chase is never ending. Once we give in to our gift, we are quickly whisked to life as another being. We are still “frail and faulty,” but our lives have changed.

The giving in to the compelling spirit of God and satisfying our own yearning, can and will place us at a crossroad. The path we take can heal us, but sometimes comes at a high earthly cost.

Blessings, until next time,
Bruce L. Hartman