Listening Quickly!

My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry…

James [1:19]

Last week, I had the opportunity to relax for an hour after a very long day, and before sleep took over.  While channel surfing, I kept being reminded of COVID-19, the President was taken to Walter Reed and the noise of newscaster’s personal opinions.

Noise. Noise. Noise.

Is that the sum of life at this moment?  The sounds of people talking without listening?  The opinions that create fear and distrust?  The lack of compassion and respect for fellow human beings who have their own struggles?

James authored some of the most direct and powerful verses in the New Testament.  Virtually all of them addressed caring for one another in our human and spiritual needs. Today’s verse hits home. We need to listen and then respond deliberately and in measured form without anger and condemnation.

Let’s listen carefully to each other and lift one another up through these times of fear, knowing that when the load is too heavy, God is there to give us strength and support us…..

Praying for you!!

Pastor Lou Strugala

Photo by Adismara Putri Pradiri on Unsplash