“No one can serve two masters; for a slave will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth.

Matthew [6:24]


In the age of big money professional sports, we see professional athletes making millions of dollars a year, holding out for more money. We watch owners creating billion dollar enterprises. At the same time, we hear of players in their twenties complaining that they aren’t being treated properly and sometimes even refusing to play. All this while families of four can longer support the average price of close to five hundred dollars to go to a professional sporting event.

In the meantime, the TV ratings of the major sports have declined. In fact, at the last World Series viewership dropped by twenty-five percent. The NFL’s ratings have declined by double digits over the last two years. While there are many reasons for the declines, the two major reasons that stand out the most are the young millionaires complaining about their pay, when most American families struggle to pay their health care costs and wonder why these young millionaires complain about how much money they are making and social injustice.

The public relationship efforts by all the professional sports leagues has been abysmal and appears to be self-serving. These efforts miss that many of the millionaires and even the professional leagues do give back to the society that supports them. Not all the cry baby millionaires miss the point that they have been blessed. J.J. Watt, the all-star football player, doesn’t make headlines for misbehavior. Instead he raised tens of millions of dollars to help out hurricane victims. The NFL maintains a giving organization that contributes tens of millions to causes that help social justice and communities in need. Many players have their own foundations that pour money back to those in need.

These wonderful acts of service don’t make the news, good news stories don’t sell ads and as such don’t get told. People that give money prefer not to be in the spotlight. They would rather give quietly. Instead we see NFL running backs complaining they aren’t being treated properly or basketball players earning millions protesting they don’t get enough playing time. Or we see players, like Odell Beckham taking mini vacations while his team is in the middle of a playoff run.

Like all things in our society there are always two sides of the story. For professional sports, we will see the athlete’s and owners being selfish and petty with their complaints. That news we will hear about! But there are also many who give back a fair amount of their millions to society because they know they have a higher and moral need to give back.

Jesus explains this by saying we all have to decide, whom do we serve? Do we serve ourselves? Or do we serve humankind? The real answer to this question is on an individual by individual basis. Some live to be served and others live to serve. Perhaps more of our millionaires created by the their support, should consider this question harder.

Blessings, until next time,
Bruce L. Hartman

Photo by Noah Silliman

We love giving credit to budding photographers to help them gain more exposure.



“So God created humankind in God’s image,
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.”

Genesis [1:27]


A friend of mine, Gary Goldman a radio talk host on WCRN in Boston, told me he would like to discuss politics during Thanksgiving day dinner. Wow, I said to myself, that’s very brave. At first, I wanted to counsel him out of trying this noble act. But earlier in the day, I had read an article about discussing politics at Thanksgiving day dinner on http://better-angels.org. The article gave a very clear and practical approach to how it could be done. An article largely focused on paying attention to other points of view and listening to learn. I passed this information on to Gary.

The article focused on being respectful as the primary attitude to the discussion. Not just waiting to reply with a pre-recorded narrative, but truly listening. Listening to hear the person’s background and why they came to their conclusion. Not to sit back and wait to pounce all over their point of view, but truly understand their perspective.

Such a bold thing to do, discuss politics at Thanksgiving. In listening to Gary, I heard in his voice a sincere desire to get at why Americans feel polarized, not to say what he thought, but to hear what others thought. Perhaps Gary will be successful. I will be most interested to hear.

I discovered the Better Angels website while doing research for an independent forum to get the whole news and hear differing opinions. Better Angels is a little known organization that has cropped up as part of a quiet movement to unify our country, since 2016. They are one of a handful of groups set up to give those looking for both sides of a story a forum to hear and to speak.

Like all swings in the societal pendulum, the current civil discord will swing back to a desire to hear all points of view. It is inevitable and makes me hopeful. Gone will be the day when politicians espouse violence against others. Gone will be the day when name calling dominates the news. These acts of civil discord will push the pendulum back to the center. My hopefulness is well supported by history, the only effect of extremism is to push society to the center. While polarization is the terrible state of our current national attitude, it is also the start of change. Americans will not allow discord to rule the day.

Perhaps the most famous speech, given at the dawn of our worst calamity as a country, was Abraham Lincoln’s inaugural address. Lincoln was desperately trying to fend off the pending civil war and said;

“The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.”

At the worst time in our country’s great experiment of freedom, we had a leader who sought to reconcile. At the same time understanding that all humankind has a better nature. Lincoln knew what lied ahead and appealed to the essence of humankind. Made in the image of God we all, man and woman have inherited the desire to do good. Sure there are examples when this didn’t appear to be the case, but Lincoln felt that all humankind had the nature of being better angels.

Lincoln’s appeal at a time when it would have been easy for him to take the tact of rushing in to war,  was that of seeking reconciliation.

The website Better Angels does the same. It taps into, not our weaknesses, but into the inherited gift from God of our desire for peace, freedom and civil discourse. A way to see the world through multiple lens, without acrimony or dissent. A true desire to reconcile our life’s path with others that have walked a different journey. An end to malicious gossip and debilitation caused by discord. A noble attempt that will probably not win the Nobel Peace, but should. A way of talking with others that is respectful of their life’s journey and open to changing points of view.

Perhaps, more than any other Thanksgiving, Gary is right, we need to be able to have civil discussions about our views. Not to win the argument but to find a connecting middle ground. I do believe that when we use the better angels of our nature, inherited through God we can reconcile.

Blessings, until next time,
Bruce L. Hartman

Photo by Harli Marten

We love giving credit to budding photographers to help them gain more exposure.



“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

Romans [15:13]


Each morning we meet the dawn, we have a day of hope. Each morning follows a day of triumph or failure. In our triumphs we should proceed humbly and with our failures proceed hopefully. Each day gives another chance to do good and help others. Each day is a day to fix yesterday and each day is a day of hope.


In our hopefulness each morning we have a chance to walk the path of doing good. We have the chance to defy that which is wrong and chart a different course. Each new day is one filled with a desire to accomplish those things of good.


Along the way we will meet obstacles, some mighty and some painfully resistant. These obstacles are but tests of our hopefulness. Mere momentary things that exist as weeds, as we strive to become mighty oaks. They are not greater than hopefulness, but the burden of all lives. They are meant to be overcome.


After each rise we climb, we are afforded the opportunity to look back and see our triumph. In this triumph we should be encouraged by the knowledge that we can. With this encouragement we should be both humble and ready to climb a new mountain in life.


After each rise we fail to climb, we should look back to see the extraordinary lesson we learned. With this lesson, we should try again with a hope committed to succeed. In our lessons we receive hope.


In both our triumphs and failures we have God with us. In triumph we should pray thankfully and in failure we should petition hopefully. Each morning as we make our plans we should turn to God, not to receive a bounty, but insight. With each prayer we make we should be both hopeful and faithful to hear God’s desires.


Our God is not a condemning God, but a loving God. A God that hears our pleas, both in our desperation and our desires. A God that journeys with us and molds us. Through our life’s time span and in the daily bits of our lives. Our God is a God of Hope.


Each day we have a day of hope. A new day in which we can be humble in our victories and resilient in learning new ways. A new day to thank those who help. A day to console those who need compassion. A new day to right yesterday’s wrongs. A new day to live in God’s world with hope.

Blessings, until next time,
Bruce L. Hartman


Parting Thoughts
  • What do you hope for today and tomorrow?
  • What life obstacles are blocking your future?
  • What is your morning prayer practice?

Photo by Lionello DelPiccolo

We love giving credit to budding photographers to help them gain more exposure.


“Do all things without murmuring and arguing, 15 so that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, in which you shine like stars in the world.”

Philippians [2:14]-15


During most of my radio interviews these days, I am asked by the host, “What can we do about the discord in American politics.” A frequent and simple question that only requires a simple answer, Love thy Neighbor. But this might be the hardest attitude to have in the face of unrelenting acrimony. Sure we all get hurt when someone violently disagrees with us and sure it is uncomfortable to have name calling directed at both yourself and what you believe. For me personally this is the hardest and most difficult attitude to maintain when being attacked. But we and myself must always remember that gasoline never put out a fire.

“Politics in America has settled into a state of angry discourse.”

We all want civility and our voice to be heard. We all want respectful debate. But that will not always happen. Politics in America has settled into a state of angry discourse. My publicist A.J. Rice recently sent me an article from the Washington Post that shows how deep this divide has become.

“What both sides are engaging in is repeating long standing pre-recorded narratives that doesn’t consider the act of listening to learn.”

In summary the article contains beliefs by both sides that the other side is in some way nefarious and full of misdeeds. But both sides feel they are right and have cornered the truth. In reality, neither side is close to the truth. What both sides are engaging in is repeating long standing pre-recorded narratives that doesn’t consider the act of listening to learn.

The Democratic party has long stood for helping the common person and those in need. They created the New Deal at a time it was desperately needed to shake off the debilitating societal effect of the Great Depression. The everyday person could look for the Democrats to patriotically stand up for them in the halls of our nations legislatures.

The Republican party has long stood for fighting back against government excess. For a long time questioning the spending of tax payers’ dollars on excess. They are the party that ended the abhorrent practice of slavery.

Both parties have in their history, acts of doing good. Both parties have a history of being in the right place at the right time. Both parties have produced great Americans that have served their country patriotically. Both parties have items in their platform that help America.

But today, it seems like both parties have forgotten their history of being leaders of this great country, mired in an unwinnable game mudslinging.

In the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Philippians he provides the answer to how to unravel this mess. He says “Do all things without murmuring and arguing.” When we combine this with Jesus’ second commandment of Love thy Neighbor, we receive lessons from the Bible on how to proceed and end our country’s angry discourse.

I don’t believe Republicans as a group are racist any more than I believe that the Democrats are evil. What I do believe is neither side is listening to the other warmly, honestly and fairly. I also believe that if both sides approach each issue with love for their compatriots of the other party, a lot more would get done.

“I am sure Jesus would walk into this temple of discord and turn over all the tables.”

Our politicians have sunk into a morass of self-agenda and petty debate. No longer do the voices of reason patrol the great halls of freedom in our country. Talking over other people has become an accepted norm. Rancor has replaced cordiality as a accepted way of communicating. I am sure Jesus would walk into this temple of discord and turn over all the tables. Replacing the discourse with warm and loving patriots.

“Gasoline never puts out a fire and arguing robotically never helps.”

It is hard when we hear unfair things said about ourselves or our beliefs. It will keep us at night, questioning our own humanity. Life shouldn’t be this way, but sometimes it is. The solution is how we respond, we should not meet fire with fire. We should change the perspective to civility. Our civility and behavior should not be based on how we are treated, but based on our Christian attitude of civility. Gasoline never puts out a fire and arguing robotically never helps.

Blessings, until next time,
Bruce L. Hartman

Photo by Mitchell McCleary

We love giving credit to budding photographers to help them gain more exposure.



“Put on the whole armor of God, so that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.”

Ephesians [6:11]


Early in my business career, I helped manage a store for a large national retailer that sold guns. This was in the seventies when gun control was much tougher. You couldn’t sell guns with extended magazines, assault rifles or have bumpers put on your gun stock. Occasionally I would have to man the gun desk to help out. During these times I got to see why people in this northern part of Maine bought guns. Essentially, there were two reasons the customer wanted to buy guns. The first was to hunt. For many in northern Maine it was both sport and to provide food for their family. While I never hunted, I understood their need, especially the need to get food. The second reason was for protection, in this part of the country, the police or state police could be far away from those living on the edge of communities and many felt they needed a little extra protection.

However, to buy a gun in the seventies, an application had to be filled out before the individual could take the gun home. First we would take the application and send it to the ATF. We would then tell the customer that they had to wait two weeks for the approval process. The ATF would review the application and either approve or reject. They would reject any application if there was a criminal record or history of mental illness. When we got the application back we would notify the customer of its status. Each night we were required by law to check the gun count and serial numbers, to ensure we knew where every gun stood.

The NRA was different in those days, not the huge politically based organization it is today. In those days the NRA would provide education classes and training on the proper use of guns.  They helped with gun safety for hunters and showed people how to protect themselves In fact they were proponents of gun control. For instance, after President Kennedy was assassinated, the NRA led the charge on gun control.

Our world is far different today. Today we can buy guns with many rounds in the chamber. You don’t always have to fill out a form to get a gun. Background checks are not always required.

This year alone we have had 367 deaths in mass shootings. Almost unheard of in the seventies. Prompting the rise of the “Enough” campaign sweeping our nation. But our gun manufacturer’s and the NRA aren’t hearing the cry for being sensible.

In fact the NRA declared in August of this year that they are almost bankrupt. Gun companies, likewise are teetering on bankruptcy. Remington, the oldest gun company filed bankruptcy in the spring of 2018.

The reason, Americans have grown tired of the lack of listening by the gun companies and the NRA. It is not that people don’t want guns, they want them under control. It is not an issue with the second amendment, it is the stretching of the boundaries that caused this uproar. Americans in mass are saddened by the senseless deaths of children, innocent people attending concerts and those visiting seemingly safe places like movie theaters.

There is room for both safety and guns. It is the polarizing debates that have stopped significant reform, an all or nothing approach to solving the problem. This loud and noisy rancor has caused our children to go to schools that have armed guards and gun companies to file bankruptcy. Ironically, not caused just by guns, but the lack of listening and common sense.

Jesus would not be opposed to letting a hunter provide for his family or to protect themselves with defensive weapons. Jesus would be opposed to guns that are intended to create mass harm. Certainly Jesus would tell a hunter that felt they needed a high capacity magazine, which can contain 60-100 bullets, to practice their marksmanship instead of needing this many bullets. Jesus would tell those wanting to buy a gun to wait until their application is approved. Jesus would be on the side of constructive debate, where all sides listened and searched for a sensible answer.

But on a broader front gun violence is also affected by seemingly unrelated subjects. Consider computer games our children play. Many show the use of extremely offensive weapons. Our children and even ourselves can sit down and kill hundreds of imaginary monsters or even other humans on their computer screens and even their television. Creating an illusion that it is okay to commit mass murder.

We send young men and women to battle grounds in far-away places. As a country we train them to kill and maim. Yet when they come home only one third of them are properly reintroduced to society. Nearly two thirds of our returning service people don’t seek or get help in transitioning back into society.

Mental illness isn’t always identified properly and these same people can buy a gun. Not just one, but many! We have mandatory reporting in our schools and hospitals for child abuse, why not extend this to mental illness for gun control?

Gun control is a complicated issue and Jesus would tell us to not just look at the gun companies or the NRA, but to look at our society as a whole. We have the largest gun death per capita in the world. This issue isn’t just about gun control, it is also about us as a society. We use pre-recorded narratives to defend our positions and defiantly argue without listening when we hear an opposing view.

The Bible tells us to put on the full armor of God to protect against evil. The Bible tells us to do God’s will. Jesus would support both of these views emphatically. As a society that is part of a great democratic experiment, we need to listen to our neighbors regardless of their political position and hear their voice. This is putting on the full armor of God. We need to dig deeper on difficult issues like gun control, with the full armor of God. Our first and most important step should be of love for our neighbor.

Our solution doesn’t lie in rhetoric that is a canned platitude, but with a Christian sense of reason and love. We have children and innocent victims at concerts to protect. But we also have to respect the hunter who provides for their family. Jesus wants us to hear with both ears and with the full armor of God.

Blessings, until next time,
Bruce L. Hartman

Photo by Derek Mack

We love giving credit to budding photographers to help them gain more exposure.



“Jesus turned, and seeing her he said, “Take heart, daughter; your faith has made you well.” And instantly the woman was made well.”

Matthew [9:22]


In the last election a record number of women won seats in the House of Representatives. As a result of this, a friend of mine asked me how many woman do I think should be in the house of representatives. My simple answer, “Two hundred-seventeen and a half.” Jokingly my friend said, “Who is going to be the half?” Then knowing my background in ministry, relayed to me that he had heard that Jesus didn’t want women in charge? And further he stated it says so in the Bible! How could I support women in politics?

My first answer, stating two hundred-seventeen and a half, was more of a reflection of what is fair. Surely every gender, race and walk in life should be fairly represented in our House of Representatives. For us to live into spirit of our wonderful constitution, no group should be denied unequal access to the bounty of freedom our great democracy provides. No one group should gain, while another is left behind. Certainly, I know there is no one half of a person, my answer was a little tongue in cheek to make a point.

In regards to answering the second about the equality of women in politics as not being Biblical. I told my friend I couldn’t agree that the Bible says women shouldn’t be in politics. Sure we can find isolated verses that might imply that women should not be in politics, but when these verses are taken out of context of the entire paragraph that surrounds them, their meanings change. My professors, while I was getting my Doctorate degree, would call this selective verse taking to make an argument, “Versification.” Simply It is a failure in creating a position on a subject based on one verse in a fourteen hundred page book. Simply finding a verse to support our life’s opinion is in error and potentially dangerous. Verse’s must be studied and put in the proper context. Each verse must be thought of in the entire context of the Bible and with God’s wishes.

Before we cast women out of politics,  we should consider the following:

  • The first gender to visit the tomb after the resurrection, was female.
  • The first mass evangelist in the Gospels was the Woman at the Well.
  • One of Jesus’ most famous statements is, “For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother, and sister, and mother.”
  • Jesus ate with both women and men.

What is remarkable about these actions by Jesus, is how revolutionary they were in the first century. In that society, men ruled everything and women were never used as examples to look up to. For Jesus, he represented, both genders, in his stories, remarks and parables. This very act of including women in his stories in the first century was an extraordinarily radical change in direction.

Jesus’ most important healing lesson was with the bleeding woman, who had barged in amidst a man only event to touch Jesus’ cloak. Instead of being rebuked by Jesus, the woman was told, “Take heart, daughter; your faith has made you well.” And instantly the woman was made well. In the first century, it was a male dominated society, but Jesus spoke about women equally.

But what is far more important about Jesus’ treatment of gender, was not that he favored either gender. His service was for all humankind. Women should not be denied access because men should come first. Likewise, men should not be denied access because women should come first. Jesus saw all people as children of God

Jesus would support the attitude of let the best candidate win. In our current age it has become fashionable to assume all men are ill behaved. It has become fashionable to say all men oppress women. This is a very dangerous line of thinking as well, most men are not naturally bad or poorly behaved. To achieve gains at the expense with global assumptions about any group is not sustainable. We should not make enemies while we rise up in life, we should make allies. No gender, race or orientation has a corner or monopoly on bad behavior. All people are endemically good and born with the inheritance of being made in the image of God. Both men and women! When we think otherwise, we unfairly take rights away from a particular group.

I still think two hundred-seventeen and half is the right number of women to serve. Perhaps in one congressional district we could have a woman serve six months and a man serve the other six months each year.

Blessings, until next time,
Bruce L. Hartman

Photo by Chris Leggat

We love giving credit to budding photographers to help them gain more exposure.



Jesus tells us, “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” (Matthew [11:29]) A simple request to turn away from those things that distract us and turn to accepting the lessons and wisdom of Jesus. To have faith in Jesus rights our path, not only because he is with us, but because we pick up his ways.

My friend Mel, who had left the corporate world to help the poor for the Catholic Church in the northwest part of the United States but now returned, called me in distress. He had walked away from a well-paying job for two years to help those less fortunate. Upon his return to the corporate world he was finding it hard to find a new job. Many interviewers did not understand why he left, and many were put off by the fact that he was sixty. He kept meeting dead ends in his job search. Confusion about doing good in the world and then being rebuffed in the job market had created a crisis in his life. He did not need a job for the money; he just wanted to belong again.

“His self-esteem plummeted, and he began to feel worthless. His searching kept leading him to disappointment.”

Over the next two years, he searched for a place to work. He prayed on a regular basis. He even went away for a week to a retreat center looking for his answer. He wanted desperately to belong again. His self-esteem plummeted, and he began to feel worthless. His searching kept leading him to disappointment.

We talked on a weekly basis, at an appointed time, and during these sessions, I would often probe him about why a job in his old world was so important. He would reply, “Because it is my identity.” For years he had worked hard to provide for his family and build a wonderful résumé, but now he had lost that ability.

“He kept waiting for Jesus to answer his prayer to find him a job.”

During these two years, Mel would still help others. In fact, he helped a group of nuns create a shelter for homeless pregnant women. Many days he put in long hours painting and fixing the shelter. Within this community he found acceptance, but not what he wanted. He wanted to go back to his old life. Oftentimes, I would tell him how much I admired his caring and giving efforts for others. I would relay to him that when I told his story to other people, they were amazed at his giving nature and life. For two years, this was not enough for Mel. He kept searching and not finding. Eventually, he decided to go back to school and become an EMT, while he waited for a more ideal new job. He kept waiting for Jesus to answer his prayer of finding him a job.

Typical of Mel, he was one of the best students in the EMT training. Despite some physical limitations he was able to keep up with the younger people in his class. He began to thrive. Many times, I would get a text from him saying something like “I can’t talk tonight, I am going out with my classmates.” I was used to this, as many of the people I help eventually find their answer and move on to their new life. It is a very familiar process. I miss these people and often wonder how they are doing, but my job was done.

“Jesus had been answering his prayers; he just had not paid attention.”

Later, in one of our final conversations, Mel relayed to me that he had prayed for an answer many times, but he kept looking in the wrong spots. The answer to what was his identity did not lie in the old spot of the corporate world, but in helping make the world a better place. Jesus had been answering his prayers; he just had not paid attention.

Jesus asks us to take his yoke. Jesus reminds us that he is “gentle and humble of heart,” and that his “yoke is light.” How many times do we all pray for something that we want, but Jesus gives us something different? He gives us a life plan that soothes our soul and gives us meaning. Many times, it is about following a new path, away from the familiar. A path of uncertainty on which we take his yoke and are guided by his “gentle and humble” heart.

Mel is peaceful now and I miss my weekly calls, but I am happy that Mel’s new identity is on a path of giving. When we ask ourselves about Jesus and wonder “What sort of man is this?” Jesus’ answer is also, that he is “gentle and humble of heart.”

Blessings, until next time,
Bruce L. Hartman


Parting Thoughts
  • In seven words describe your life goals?
  • Are you on this path or another?
  • Where should you be looking?

Photo by Samuel Zeller

We love giving credit to budding photographers to help them gain more exposure.



“As you enter the house, greet it. If the house is worthy, let your peace come upon it; but if it is not worthy, let your peace return to you.”

Matthew 10-12-13


I remember sitting at a conference room table with Bob Macaleer, a top banker for a large Boston bank, and the owner of a small struggling business. The owner had broken his covenant with the bank and was now looking for more money. As a very young financial advisor for the struggling company I was very unsure where this meeting would end up. The company had failed to hit its sales plans for a number of months and was now out of cash. In the previous months it had avoided letting the bank know it was struggling. It viewed the bank as an adversary, even though it had lent them money in good faith. Now the business had only place to look for new cash, the bank.

The owner of the company sitting with his attorney made a bold statement, “If you don’t lend me more money I will file for bankruptcy and you will get little in return.” I had heard about this being the strategy before I went into the meeting and had my doubts. But I was young and unsure of my footing. While I personally wouldn’t lend the company more money, I was assured that this tactic would work by both the owner and attorney.

It didn’t! The banker said to the owner and the attorney, “Today’s losses are cheaper than tomorrow’s. I don’t use good money to chase bad.” The company did file bankruptcy and the bank did get pennies on the dollar. But the bank had spared itself future losses. I was fortunate to hear and see this lesson very early in my career. A lesson I would remember many times throughout my career and pass on to those younger than me to learn.

Jesus passes on a similar lesson to the twelve apostles to prepare them for their journey of creating believers throughout Judea. A simple message that their time and the gifts of God were valuable. A simple reminder to examine if what they were giving would be properly accepted. A reminder to not spend time where they weren’t wanted. A reminder that their gifts from God were valuable and to not get caught up trying to convince the unconvinceables. Seems a little harsh from Jesus’ point of view, but considering the sacredness of God’s gifts, wise words.

Like the banker, we have limited resources and must be wise with how we parcel them out. Our focus should be on making a positive impact with all our resources. Whether it be money, our time and our energy. There were other places for the bank to lend money, growing businesses that respected the bank. For Jesus, he was searching for helpers that valued God and treated the words of God with a sacred intent. For us it is the same.

Be wary of those who gossip. Be wary of those who mislead. Watch carefully for those who only like us for our money. We should stay strong to avoid being liked at the expense of morality. Avoid going along to get along. Our lives and resources are precious and so is the word of God. We should be careful with whom we become partners.

Blessings, until next time,
Bruce L. Hartman


Parting Thoughts
  • Who are the most important people in our lives and why?
  • Do we spend enough time with the people we need to?
  • How do we avoid getting trapped in tough situations?
  • How should we create our daily to do list?

Photo by Cole Keister

We love giving credit to budding photographers to help them gain more exposure.



They answered, “The emperor’s.” Then he said to them, “Give therefore to the emperor the things that are the emperor’s, and to God the things that are God’s.”

Matthew [22:21]


I recently had a discussion with a close friend that drifted into her dismay over the candidate who had won the most recent election. She was angry and in a state of disbelief that such a despicable candidate could win. Her main question was, “How could these people who voted not see his weakness.” From her perspective she was right. I pointed out that from other perspectives she might not understand why this person won. I suggested that she try to sort through why the other candidate won to discover their point of view.

What could she do? For this moment very little, except emotionally accept the result. But for the future, there is a lot. First, she had to accept the result as the voice of her nation. Accept what others had said. Perhaps the candidate was immoral with a poorly directed life compass. More importantly it is the understanding of why the voters chose a different candidate then hers. Perhaps they chose this candidate because they were angry they weren’t being listened to and desired a change at any cost. Perhaps they were tired of paying taxes and seeing a bloated government. Perhaps they felt their candidate was one that could resolve their fear of not being represented in the halls of our government.

Whatever the reason, it is not always about the candidate but about the strength of the voices that voted. Knowing why they voted the way they did is more important than the candidate that won. This is the voice of the people and the way our democracy has been set up. We live in a country that has the longest continuous democracy in the world, because we allow voices to be heard. It has survived when many others have faltered. It survives because the voices of the people have the right to choose who leads. Maybe in error the voices have spoken, but the system works.

We are left with two directions we can take, when our candidate loses. The first is to understand how we can help our voice be better heard the next time. Perhaps this includes helping the candidate of our choice. Perhaps this means helping with forums or marches to state our position more strongly. Perhaps it means changing individual minds about our position. Perhaps even being a candidate ourselves. This choice is one of civil change.

The second direction is one of despondency. One of civil discord. A direction we should not take. Letting our anger overrule our intellect. We see this when we hear about pipe bombs being delivered to those who disagree. We see this when people are forced out of a restaurant because of who they support. We see this with calls that encourage violence against opponents.

The second direction doesn’t work and will only lead to greater harm. We cannot put out a fire with gasoline! Jesus himself told those in the first century to respect the voices of the government. Jesus didn’t preach or ask for violence, but for peaceful demonstrations. Jesus would ask that we give to the emperor what was the emperor’s. But at the same time to give to God what is God’s. This last statement limits the power of the secular when we act on our disappointment through the ways of God.

There are many examples of civil protest that works. Certainly, that of Martin Luther King and the peaceful, but assertive demonstration that led to desegregation. Or perhaps we can look to the efforts at the turn of the 20th century to enable women the right to vote. They made progress in two obvious errors of society.

Discord that leaves our neighbor injured or left behind is not what Jesus would want. Jesus would want wrongs righted. He would want justice served. But not through civil discord. But through those positive steps we can take to change the world.

Perhaps our candidate lost and we feel unheard. The first step we should take is to change the future, by respecting our democracy and enacting the freedom our democracy gives us through our voice. A voice that sees what should be and acts to peacefully make our country better.

Blessings, until next time,
Bruce L. Hartman


Parting Thoughts
  • What did we hear about the direction of our country through the election results?
  • What steps should we take to help get our voices heard in the next election?
  • How can Jesus and prayer help our country?

Photo by Jerry Kiesewetter

We love giving credit to budding photographers to help them gain more exposure.



“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people, in order that you may proclaim the mighty acts of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.”

1 Peter 2:9


I was recently on a radio show and was asked by a panel member was Jesus a Republican or Democrat. My response was Jesus’ political party was one of God and for all humankind. Certainly Jesus would be saddened by the deep and angry divide between our two political parties today. He would ask that they put away their pre-recorded narratives and focus on civility and love for each other. If Jesus were to vote he wouldn’t vote along party lines, but for the individual that best represented the Kingdom of God and the candidate who loved his neighbor.

Politics today have never been more rancorous or unlistening. Neither side listens to learn, but shouts to drown out their opponent. Many candidates receive money from outside influencers that have their own agenda, that the candidate must back. Politics today have created a divided nation. To which Jesus would be dismayed.

Jesus’ politics would be focused of bringing God’s words to all people, regardless of color, religious affiliation, gender or age. Jesus would listen to fully hear and understand his constituents point of view. If he disagreed, in a civil and loving way Jesus would explain why he disagreed.

Jesus sees all humankind as a powerful nation. Jesus wants us to be a Holy nation. Not one that is motivated by money or power. A nation that cares first and acts second. Jesus wants us to see the sacred nature of our earthly existence and be pointed to doing good and not harm. Jesus would not support violence against those who disagree with our views. He certainly wouldn’t approve of pipe bombs in the mail or promoting violence against those that disagree or the slaughter of people from another religious point of view. He wants our nation to lead with love.

Jesus platform is quite simple, “Love thy God and Love thy neighbor.” He would encourage us to feed the poor, heal the sick. He would want all nations to see other nations as composed of God’s children. He would disapprove of war. He would want us to protect God’s creation. He would believe in a judicial system of second chances for those who repent.

I am sure he wouldn’t become entangled with those who seek power through money. He would know that dealing with those who try to manipulate others is a dead-end street. He would not give into the lure of money that comes from powerful political organizations.

He cautioned us in the famous Sermon in the Mount by saying, “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.”(Matthew [7:15]) He would know that these wolves exist not to do good, but promote an agenda that is self- serving. He would know that there are those who will try to do good, but would have to cater to their political leaders. He would not espouse that we should “Go along to get along.” He would want each of us to evaluate each candidate and issue independently and not be influenced by money, fame or outside influencers.

No, I don’t think Jesus would either be Democrat or Republican. On Tuesday he would support our right to vote and ask us to ignore the rancor and anger we see every day, when we vote.  He would ask us to vote with our Christian conscience for the candidate we feel lives into his platform of “Love thy God and Love thy neighbor.”

Blessings, until next time,
Bruce L. Hartman

Photo by Element5 Digital

We love giving credit to budding photographers to help them gain more exposure.