Handling Times of Stress

“God is our refuge and strength,
a very present help in trouble.”

Psalm 46:1

Where do we turn when we alone in the wilderness of life. We can panic, which even in its best moment, panic is only a short-term salve. We can be fearful and doubting, both of which are deceptive emotions. Or in this wilderness we can find refuge in God. A place that will require patience and hopefulness. Through our faithful and patient prayers, we will see God’s response in an extraordinarily personal way. A way that is both providential and intimate to us. When we faithfully sit and wait in the refuge of God, our thoughts are calm and our being resolute. The dark sky’ of life will begin to lighten and become brighter. At a pace of our understanding, God will reveal our path out of life’s wilderness. God will be very present in this journey of recovery. Our trust in a loving God begins the solution.

Points of Reflection

  • What are our troubles today and how are they affecting us?
  • Have we gone to God in faithful prayer to seek a path of resolution?
  • Describe an event in the past when God helped, what was unique about this experience?

Blessings, until next time,
Bruce L. Hartman

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Photo by Ben White

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