Our Life Coach, the Holy Spirit

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“When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. (2) And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. (3) Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. (4) All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability.”

Acts 2:1-4


“I was enthralled by this plain spoken cowboy, and his words about the Holy Spirit.”


Recently I was on the “Zeb at the Ranch” radio show and became inspired by one specific listener. Zeb broadcasts his show throughout Southern Idaho and has a large faithful following. This particular listener, called in to ask me a question. His question was part seeking an answer and a mini sermonette on the Holy Spirit. As the caller was talking for a lengthy time, I could sense Zeb was getting anxious. But I was enthralled by this plain spoken cowboy, and his words about the Holy Spirit.

One particular comment he made stated that he was frustrated that people don’t make their morning plans with the Holy Spirit in mind. His long winded point was that we were given this wonderful being to guide us in prayer, to walk with us throughout the day, but few of his Christian friends consulted with the Spirit in making their plans!

“What he conveyed was that we have both within us and with us every moment of our day, the guiding force of God in the form of the Holy Spirit; a force we should mobilize in our lives.”

While Zeb was frustrated with his overly long question/sermonette, I was amazed. After sitting in theology classrooms for the better part of the last seven years, I had never heard a better explanation of the value of the Holy Spirit. What he conveyed was that we have both within us and with us every moment of our day, the guiding force of God in the form of the Holy Spirit; a force we could mobilize to help us with our lives.

“His point was, we should bring the Holy Spirit into our daily lives.”

Plainspoken and exactly on point! How many of us consult with the Spirit when we make our daily plans? How many of us search with the Spirit to resolve difficult issues? How many know that the Spirit is one of the three parts of the Trinity that is God? We often speak about God the creator or Jesus, but the Spirit is usually left in the back. The cowboy’s point was bring the Spirit into our lives.

In the book of Acts on the final day of the Pentecost, the Spirit descended, as promised earlier by Jesus. The purpose was to be both with us and within us. Many times when we pray we feel our prayers change subtly from what we first desired. Events in our lives will occur that could only be those unusual things of God. This is the work of the Holy Spirit. On the fiftieth day after the resurrection the Spirit descended for humankind, the day now called the Pentecost.

So why not listen to this rambling cowpoke from southern Idaho. Shouldn’t we try to ask the Holy Spirit to not only approve our plans, but also help create our plans.? I am sure we should. Maybe for me that day I was getting a new lesson in life from the Spirit through a plain spoken cowboy from southern Idaho.

Praise the Spirit who helps with all things!

Blessings, until next time,
Bruce L. Hartman

Photo by Jonathan Velasquez