Lifting the Veil and Gaining Freedom Through God

But when one turns to the Lord, the veil is removed.  Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of God is, there is freedom….”

2 Corinthians [3:16]-17

As I read this verse today, I started thinking to myself about what the purpose of a veil is. In some cases it obscures the view; in others as in window curtains, it blocks light; or in the case of a bride or artwork, it hides a hidden beauty.

What Paul is trying to tell us as he spoke to the Corinthians, has to do more with us uncovering ourselves completely and thoroughly before God.  God already knows what is in our hearts, but when we unveil our very deepest thoughts and feelings, we no longer carry anything alone, for our Heavenly Father is always with us. And in turn, we become freed.

If something is weighing you down today, unveil it to our Creator in prayer and feel a lightness of being, that only comes from God’s Spirit.

Praying with you…
Pastor Lou Strugala

Pastor Lou has a wonderfully deep background in ministry and I have had the good fortune to call him my friend for almost ten years. Lou is more of a “Street preacher” and has dedicated his life to helping Jesus and those in need.

Photo by Helen Ngoc N. on Unsplash